Terms and Conditions

Please consider the following before proceeding!

1. Acceptance of Terms

These Terms and Conditions, subject to periodic modifications, constitute a legal agreement between Art2D Games LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Art2D Games") and you. By using our service, you accept these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, do not use the service.

We urge you to carefully read the following Terms of Service Agreement before using any website or service provided by Art2D Games. Please note that the Terms and Conditions may be modified occasionally at the sole discretion of Art2D Games and without specific notice. It is your responsibility to periodically review the Terms and Conditions, and if you find anything unacceptable, you must leave the site and cease the use of the service and the site. Your continued use of Art2D Games services after any changes or updates to the Terms and Conditions will constitute your acceptance of such changes or updates.

If you violate our Terms and Conditions, we may issue a warning regarding the infringement or choose to immediately terminate or suspend any accounts you have established. You acknowledge that Art2D Games is not obligated to notify you prior to terminating or suspending your service, but may choose to do so.

2. Description of Service

The Ninja Kaizen service is a game available to all users. To access the game, you simply need a valid email address. By using the service, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Art2D Games provides an entertainment service through its game, Ninja Kaizen. By accessing the game, you agree that all materials and contents of the game, unless otherwise stated in writing, are owned, controlled, or licensed by Art2D Games and are protected by law against unauthorized use.

Art2D Games is not responsible for internet connection issues such as disconnections or instability that may affect your gaming experience. We will not make public announcements regarding maintenance, but we will notify you of any changes or updates within the game itself.

Transfers of membership, virtual currency, and virtual goods within the game are strictly prohibited unless explicitly stated otherwise within the game itself. Outside of the game, the purchase, sale, or exchange of virtual currency or virtual goods for "real-world" money or any other value is not permitted.

Remember that the use of the game is subject to these terms and conditions, which constitute a legal agreement between you and Art2D Games. By accessing and using the game, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions in their entirety. To access the game, you only need to provide a valid email address.

3. Limitation of License in Service Use

You do not acquire any ownership rights by using the service, downloading material from it, uploading material to it, or purchasing virtual goods. You also agree not to copy, redistribute, publish, or otherwise exploit the material from the service, except as expressly permitted in this document, without the prior written permission of Art2D Games.

Exploiting the game or any of its parts, including but not limited to the service, for any commercial purpose, including (a) its use in cybercafés, computer gaming centers, or any other location-based site without the express written consent of Art2D Games; (b) obtaining in-game currency, items, or resources for sale outside of the game; or (c) offering in-game services in exchange for payment outside of the game, is strictly prohibited.

The limited license does not include the resale or commercial use of this site or the service; the collection and use of any descriptions or prices; derivative use of the site or its contents; or the use of data mining, scraping, or similar data gathering tools to collect and extract information. The site or any portion of it may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of Art2D Games.

You acknowledge that you will not use any Tokens for any purpose outside of Art2D Games-produced games. Therefore, no other individual or entity has the right to sell Art2D Games game content in any way. Additionally, you may not sell in-game items for real money or trade items outside of Art2D Games. Any attempt to do so infringes upon these Terms and may result in a permanent ban from Art2D Games's service and possible legal actions.

You grant Art2D Games unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, fully paid, and royalty-free rights and license to host, use, copy, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, resell, sublicense, display, perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, modify, create derivative works from, rename, reformat, translate, archive, store in cache, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, the user-generated content you have contributed for any purpose, in any format, and in any medium, software, formula, or medium known currently or developed in the future; and to advertise, market, and promote the same.

Art2D Games has no obligation to accept, display, review, monitor, or maintain any user-generated content. We have the right to remove user-generated content from the service without prior notice for any reason and at any time. Art2D Games may move, reformat, edit, alter, distort, delete, or reject the exploitation of user-generated content without prior notice and without liability to you.

Any use of the service or game client that infringes upon the limitations of the license will be considered a violation of Art2D Games is copyright in the game. You agree that under no circumstances will you hack, cheat, use any automation software, modifications, or any unauthorized third-party software designed to modify the game experience of Ninja Kaizen.

4. Payment Obligations

To play the game online, you must register to access the site. Please provide all required information. If the collected information is false, inaccurate, or incomplete, Art2D Games may decide to terminate or suspend your account and block access to the site or services.

You are responsible for keeping your password secure and protected at all times. Art2D Games is not liable if your account is "hacked," and will not be responsible for any changes or losses in your account that may occur as a result of its use by another person, with or without your knowledge.

You are solely responsible for the information in your account and your behavior within the game. This includes, but is not limited to, the names of your characters and in-game dialogues.

5. Online Conduct

Online conduct should be governed by common sense and basic etiquette. Laws that apply in the offline world must also be complied with online. We do not tolerate illegal behavior within Art2D Games.

You agree to be personally responsible for your use of Art2D Games and all your communications and activities in using the service, including any content you contribute, and to indemnify and hold Art2D Games, its employees, officers, and directors harmless from any liability or damage arising from your conduct in Art2D Games, including any content you contribute.

Violations may result in temporary suspension or even permanent banning from Art2D Games's service and possible legal actions.

Violations of the Terms of Use include the following actions:

- Posting, transmitting, promoting, or distributing illegal content.
- Harassing, threatening, shaming, or doing anything unwanted to another member or guest. Vulgar or disrespectful language, as well as messages that offend based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, or disability, will not be tolerated.
- Transmitting or facilitating the distribution of harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or otherwise objectionable content in the opinion of a reasonable person. Hate speech will not be tolerated.
- Impersonating another person (including celebrities), stating that you are an employee of Art2D Games or a representative of Art2D Games, or attempting to deceive users by indicating that you represent Art2D Games.
- Attempting to obtain a password, account information, or private information from a member or other user of Art2D Games. Remember: Art2D Games employees will NEVER ask for your password. Do not provide your password, reminder words, or billing information to anyone.
- Promoting or encouraging any illegal activity, including hacking, cracking, or the distribution of counterfeit software.
- Uploading files that contain viruses or corrupt data.
- Posting messages for purposes other than personal communication, including, among others, advertising, promotional materials, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or making any commercial use of our service.
- Misusing support or complaint buttons within the game or making false reports to Art2D Games staff.
- Using or distributing "cheat" software, "macro" programs, or other unauthorized third-party software designed to modify the game experience of Art2D Games.
- Attempting to interfere, hack, or decrypt any transmissions to or from the servers running the service.
- Exploiting any flaws in the service or in any Art2D Games product to gain an unfair advantage in the game, and you must not disclose the existence of such flaw (either directly or through public posts) to any other user of the service.
- You will not do anything that interferes with other users' ability to enjoy the game and use the service in accordance with its rules or that materially increases Art2D Games's expenses or difficulties in maintaining the service for the enjoyment of all its users.

6. Multiple Account Ownership

Each player is allowed to create only one account in the game. To create additional characters, a premium account can be purchased to create additional characters at no additional cost. Creating multiple accounts can provide unfair advantages and is strictly prohibited in the game. The abuse of this mechanic may result in the following consequences:

- Game suspension
- Account termination
- Account deletion

7. Account Sharing

Account ownership is individual and personal for each player. Sharing your account with others puts your account at risk of theft, accidental currency spending, and other potential issues. Additionally, account sharing can be abused in various game mechanics such as clan tournaments, arena battles, alliances, and more. The abuse of account sharing may result in the following consequences:

- Verbal warning for unintentional sharing
- Game suspension
- Account deletion

You are responsible for keeping your password secure and protected at all times. Art2D Games is not responsible if your account is compromised ("hacked") and Art2D Games will not be responsible for any changes or losses that may occur in your account as a result of unauthorized access.

8. Account Selling

Account selling is strictly prohibited due to its negative impact on the game's economy, community, and security measures. Such actions may enable inappropriate activities such as account theft and scams. Our team will take severe measures against individuals involved in account selling, including:

- Removal of in-game token
- Game suspension
- Account deletion

Note: Players who have bought, sold, or had their accounts stolen will not receive support from the management team regarding account recovery, security, or maintenance.

9. In-Game Purchases

Each purchase made by the user in the game will grant them a game currency called tokens. These tokens can be used in the marketplace to exchange for various game items and more.

Each purchase is final and non-refundable. Once the user has received their tokens, they will not be able to request a refund.
Each purchase is made with full knowledge and agreement of the user, whether through Facebook, Discord, or other social platforms.
Before making a payment, the user has full knowledge of the item they are acquiring, and there should be no misunderstandings.
In the event of a refund request in the game, the administrators may take the following actions:

- Game suspension
- Account deletion

10. Privacy Policy

Art2D Games respects your privacy in controlling the information submitted for registration. Additionally, regarding privacy, you acknowledge that Art2D Games has the right to obtain certain identification information about your computer and its operating system, including IP addresses and information contained in your personal Unity 3D storage files for identification purposes, without any further notice to you.

11. Modifications

Art2D Games may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, (a) revise these Terms and Conditions; (b) modify the Site and/or the Service; and (c) discontinue the Site and/or the Service at any time. Art2D Games will post any revisions of these Terms and Conditions on the Site, and the revision will be effective immediately after such posting. You agree to review these Terms and Conditions and other online policies posted on the Site periodically to be aware of any revisions. You agree that by continuing to use or access the Site after being notified of any revisions, you will comply with such revisions.

12. Acknowledgment